
We're live on NBS Source

Specify our products using NBS - the leading platform for construction product specification.

You can now easily find, select and specify our products with NBS Source and help yourself make informed product decisions for your project specifications. 

Why does this matter to you?

  • Effortless Specification: easily find and specify our products within your existing NBS workflow.
  • Up-to-date Technical Details: always have the latest product information and technical data at your fingertips.
  • BIM Integration: seamlessly integrate our products into your Building Information Modelling (BIM) designs.
  • RIBA-approved CPD Seminars: book an online/in-house seminar and refresh your CPD hours.

Explore our range

Suppliers to architects, roofing contractors, developers & landscapers

All Roofing Ltd Aloft Ltd Ashby&Croft Modular Construction Botley Roofing CP Roofing Contractors CRS Roofing David James Architects Designscape Architects ECORE Construction Flann Microwave Halebrown Architects JH Specialist Roofing John Nicholson KJM Roofing Lanyon Development McDonnellPrice Roofing Contractors OB Architecture ODC PH+ Architects S&P Roofing Contractors

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